The fifth of May is just a day away and you know what that means. It’s time for Cinco de Mayo!

For those not in the know, Cinco de Mayo is a big deal here in San Diego. The actual holiday celebrates of the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. But here in San Diego it means “Party Time”.

You see, the 5th of May is smack dab in the middle of most swarm seasons. Don’t know what a swarm is? Check out a previous blog on “why do bees swarm?”

So while San Diegans are consuming Margaritas, dancing to Mariachis, and shaking their maracas, the bees are also out on the town. Sometimes they even decide to set up a fiesta of their own, right on your car. It sounds like a joke but it happens a lot!

Every year we get several calls where a swarm has landed on someones vehicle. Most of the time people report that they can’t get into their car. Every now and then someone will report they are trapped inside the car! That is definitely “No Bueno!”

So what can you do when a swarm of bees lands on your car or truck?

1. Don’t Panic. If you are already inside the car when the swarm lands, drive away. This will sometimes cause the swarm to take flight

2. If a few bees happen to get inside your car through an open window, turn on the AC. Cold air will cause bees to drop to the floor. *Note: This is not recommended in the rare occasions when a swarm has entered the ventilation system of a vehicle.

3. If you are unable to get in the car or they won’t go away after driving around the block, call a humane bee removal specialist who will remove and relocate the bees.

Check the clip below. A swarm of bees landed on a red truck at a local car dealer. Watch and see how we were able to remove the bees safely with our special bee vac in the video below.

Ever had a swarm of bees land on your vehicle? Share your story below.