Ever witness a swarm of bees invading your space? I did the other day for the very first time. It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe. You see, I’ve been working at Bee Best Bee Removal for about 5 years. Over the past 5 years I have begun to overcome my fear of bees, mainly because I have become much more educated about them. So when a swarm came up from a hillside and landed on my friends patio the other day, I didn’t freak out like I would have 5 years ago.

It’s hard to describe what it’s like to see a swarm invade your yard. First you hear the buzzing. It’s almost electric. Then you see the cloud of bees darting back and forth and around each other in a frenzy. Then your heart starts pounding and your instincts direct you to take cover and stay out of their way. I suppose depending on who is witnessing the event, it can be an event of pure beauty or pure terror. For me it was bit scary but it was also mesmerizing at the same time.

Here are some photos to help you identify what a swarm looks like when it lands.




I get calls every day from people who have just witnessed a swarm land in their yard. Some people call looking for tips on how they can get rid of the bees themselves. Other people call because they are scared and don’t know what to do. Here is the advice I give them on what to do if a swarm lands in their yard:

1. Do not spray them with water. It makes them mad and they may attack. Remember, over 70% of the bees in San Diego are Africanized.

2. Do not spray them with over the counter products. This really makes bees mad. The product that is sold over the counter may be effective for the first dozen or so who come into direct contact with the spray, but it will not protect you from the thousands of others in the colony that will come after you. Over the counter products are weak solutions that are not nearly as effective as regulated products…..plus we want to save the bees right?  It’s just the right thing to do for our planet and our ecosystem.

3. Wait and watch them from a safe distance. Sometimes the bees are just resting and the swarm will go away on its own. It’s important to watch and see where they go. If they take flight and leave…great! Problem solved. But if they begin to invade a structure (like a chimney, roof, or wall) call a bee professional immediately. Bees that invade structures rarely leave and the last thing you want is a hive inside the wall of your home.

4. Call a professional if they don’t go away on their own. So you waited a day or two and the bees that invaded your yard are starting to build a hive in the tree. The earlier you call, the less expensive it will be to remove the bees. If you let it go too long the price goes up and the bees usually become more aggressive now that they have a home to defend. Don’t try to do it yourself. The cost of bee removal by a professional (with the proper protective equipment, tools, and insurance) is much less costly than a trip to the emergency room.

Take a look at the clip below. It’s a quick clip of one of our technicians removing a swarm from a tree that didn’t go away on it’s own.


So now you know what to do if you ever encounter a swarm invading your yard. If the bees decide to stay, call us at (619)464-2057.

Ever witness such an event? Tell us your story!