We take pride in the work we do and have a great admiration for the bees we work with and save.

We hope you enjoy some of the many photos we have taken over the years and share our enthusiasm and love for honey bees.


Bee swarm on a metal guard rails

This job took place in downtown along the waters edge at the USS Midway near the Cruise ship terminals. A new swarm had just arrived and because they landed on a tourist attraction during the summer time they have to get removed pretty quickly. We used a special bee vacuum to get them safely inside [...]


Bee Swarm Hanging Above Garden Hose

This was a neat young swarm. We found them in La Mesa, Ca when a homeowner called us after they saw bee activity coming from a hole on the door of a custom garden tool storage cabinet. We quickly removed all the objects from the cabinet so that we could get a NucBox inside the [...]


Multi Layered Bee Hive hanging from Roof Eave

This was a Church property in San Diego near Navajo road Pest control contractors found this hive during their routine work on the property. They have had several issues in this same area over a period of time. We went out to take a look to see what else may be going on. While they [...]


Small Bee Swarm Inside a Purple Irrigation Box

We were called out by a large South Bay - Chula Vista Construction company, they said a swarm had moved in over the weekend and stopped all work on the site. Due to their timely needs, we were out there within the hour and performed a live removal. The construction company was able to get [...]

Please note that all photos are shot and owned by Jeff Lutz and Bee Best Bee Removal Inc.

Please do not copy, reproduce or reuse any photo without the written permission from Bee Best Bee Removal Inc. Thank you.