We take pride in the work we do and have a great admiration for the bees we work with and save.

We hope you enjoy some of the many photos we have taken over the years and share our enthusiasm and love for honey bees.


Bee Hive with Honeycomb exposed on top of patio furniture

Covered backyard patio furniture are very susceptible to attracting bees. It gives them protection from the elements and most people do not move their patio furniture so it becomes a stable environment. In this case it was covered by a tarp and hadn't been removed for months. When we lifted the tarp the honeycomb had [...]


Large Swarm Along the San Diego Skyline

A large swarm consisting of roughly 5000 bees decided to land near the pool area of a resort in Coronado, CA. This was an emergency call due to the bee swarm being located in a highly trafficked area by the guests of the resort. We arrived within 30 minutes of the call and performed a [...]


Giant Bee Swarm hanging from a tree branch

Usually when business call us they are expecting fast reliable service. We are known for speed of service and live removal. This giant swarm landed inside of a Pacific Beach resort in San Diego, CA. For some it may be difficult to see at first. It was located inside a landscaped area near hotel rooms [...]


Bee Swarm scattered on a heli-pad

Out in the East County of San Diego we have a neat place called Gillespie Field. It is the largest as well as oldest of our 8 airports in San Diego County. We were called out to one of the hangers to take care of a super swarm. It was an emergency call and we [...]


Bees in a tree over looking Coronado bridge in San Diego

It's not unusual for bees to appear on a golf course... after all golf courses have plenty of resources for bees. In this case there were a couple swarms and a hive to remove. These bees were located inside of a bush outside the pro shop. At first glance it looked like a swarm, but [...]

Please note that all photos are shot and owned by Jeff Lutz and Bee Best Bee Removal Inc.

Please do not copy, reproduce or reuse any photo without the written permission from Bee Best Bee Removal Inc. Thank you.