It’s the first of the month and it’s once again time for our monthly recap of bee related news. To shake things up a bit we decided to dedicate this recap to the wasp.

Although there were plenty of bee related news stories last month, we couldn’t help notice the number of highly unusual wasp stories.

Take for instance this wasp story from the Washington Post. There were a couple different news articles last month that focused on the Emerald Jewel Wasp (aka: The Reclinervellus nielseni). This wasp lays eggs on the backs of two types of orb weaving spiders, which hatch into larvae that begin to control them hormonally. The spider becomes zombie-like and eventually becomes controlled by the wasp larvae. Essentially the spider is influenced to change it’s normal habits and it’s body becomes a breeding ground for the Emerald Jewel Wasp. Ultimately the spider dies from the parasitic larvae.

Another wasp related story that caught our eye came to us from the UK. It seems the Germans are terrorizing the Brits. OK, not really! It’s actually the German Wasp that is causing the ruckus in Britain.

Apparently due to the climate in England this year, the German Wasp has too much time on it’s hands. You see, the mild winter and dry spring has allowed the wasp to finish all it’s chores early this year. Having completed all their goals, before the end of their lifespan, has left them bored. So whats a bored wasp to do? Apparently the wasps have been getting drunk on rotten fruit and terrorizing barbeques. You know what they say about idle hands.

The fact that there were so many articles about Wasps last month is not a coincidence. Turns out your chances of crossing paths with wasps and hornets is greatest in August.  So it’s only fitting we mention the article from Canada that gives tips on how to deal with Wasps.

So now that you know all the havoc wasps create, how about something truly creepy? If you are so inclined, take a look at the video below. It’s a battle between a wasp and a tarantula. Who do you think will win?