Project Description

It’s not unusual for bees to appear on a golf course… after all golf courses have plenty of resources for bees. In this case there were a couple swarms and a hive to remove.

These bees were located inside of a bush outside the pro shop. At first glance it looked like a swarm, but to our surprise it was a 6 week old hive.

Ever heard of the old sayin, “Never judge a book by it’s cover?” Well in this case Never judge a bee job by the way it looks. These girls did not want to be disturbed. As soon as we started to cut away the limbs of the bush to get a better angle for live removal the bees started to come at us. As soon as this happened we knew we had to wait on this one for a different time frame.

After doing some prep work around the job site we left the site and came back during early evening. This was done to ensure the safety of the golfers and employees of the pro shop.

When we came back, we came back with a tool to make the job a bit easier. We used the chainsaw to remove hive from bush branches rather than trimming too much of the bush. All in all it took us 2 trips – 2.5 hours to get this job done.