People love to watch live bee removals. It happens quite a lot these days. Not too long ago,  Jeff “The Bee Whisperer” Lutz was sent out to remove a swarm from under a table in the middle of a busy outdoor food court at the mall. During the removal, a crowd formed and people began recording him on their phone. After the bees were removed the crowd cheered and applauded. The Bee Whisperer felt like a rock star!

With everyone watching, filming, and applauding during our live removals, there is almost an obligation to show off the bees. Jeff is happy to oblige. Call it swagger. Call it being a show off. Call it whatever you will, he is proud of what he does…Saving Bees.

Take a look at the video below. It’s from a live removal that was performed  from back in July. A small crowd gathered as he removed a swarm from a bush at a resort park on the 4th of July. Watch as the crowd is in awe as Jeff shows off the captured bees.

So is all this attention getting to his head? Not yet…but if the paparazzi start following him around, it might be a different story!