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What is a drone bee?

2015-04-13T12:01:43-07:00April 13th, 2015|General Info|

This blog entry is all about the drone. No, not the flying devices the government is using to spy on you. I'm talking about the drones in a bee colony. For all those who don't know, there are three main castes in every bee colony. There is the queen bee, the worker bees, and the [...]

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How to remove a bee stinger

2015-04-06T09:44:18-07:00April 6th, 2015|General Info|

It's springtime in San Diego. Flowers are blooming and bees are buzzing. Whether you are at the beach, a park, or out in the garden, it's a safe bet that you may come into contact with a honeybee.  Springtime is also swarming season. It's the time of year when bee stings are fairly common. Getting stung by a bee is [...]

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Proposed changes to the San Diego County Beekeeping Ordinance

2015-03-22T20:51:32-07:00March 23rd, 2015|General Info, News|

Last year the San Diego Board of Supervisors began considering changes to the current County beekeeping ordinance. The board is considering reducing the space requirements and possibly opening public lands for beekeeping use. They are considering these changes in order to promote safe beekeeping and protect bees. At the last meeting in October of 2014, The Dept. [...]

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Are Bees attracted to light?

2015-03-09T07:58:50-07:00March 9th, 2015|General Info|

Has this ever happened to you? It's a lovely spring morning and you decide to head outside and start your day. Suddenly you notice a bunch of dead bees on your porch. You don't see any live bees flying, but there are dozens dead on the porch. Later on that night you return home from [...]

Scout bees: look out for the scouts!

2015-02-18T11:32:47-08:00February 9th, 2015|Bee Removal, General Info|

It's that time of year again. Scouts are on the loose. No, not the girl scouts selling cookies at your local supermarket. I'm talking about scout bees who may be sniffing around your home right now. So you may be asking yourself "What the heck are scout bees?" Scout bees are worker bees whose primary task is [...]

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How can I tell if bees are Africanized?

2015-02-02T18:40:48-08:00February 2nd, 2015|General Info|

"How can I tell if the bees on my property are Africanized?" We get this question from our customers from time to time. The answer is not always clear cut because wild bees in San Diego are hybridized African bees. You see, thankfully, feral bees in San Diego are not 100% Africanized. That being said, [...]

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2015 may be a great year for the honeybee in San Diego!

2015-01-06T12:26:43-08:00January 5th, 2015|Food For Thought, General Info|

It's January. A new year (and a new bee season) has just begun. The calls from backyard beekeepers requesting swarms are starting to trickle in. The Bee Whisperer is psyching himself up to save more swarms in 2015 than last year. Everyone at Bee Best Bee Removal is looking forward with anticipation at the year ahead. 2014 was [...]

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Rain in San Diego is good news for the honeybee!

2014-12-16T09:08:51-08:00December 16th, 2014|General Info, News|

After a three year drought, we finally got what we have been wishing for...lots of rain! Last week all of California was drenched by a good sized storm, the edge of which reached San Diego County. Although we are not out of the woods yet when it comes to the overall drought in California, it [...]

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The Bee Whisperer takes a trip down memory lane

2015-02-09T10:16:16-08:00October 20th, 2014|General Info|

One of the reasons Jeff Lutz is affectionately referred to as "The Bee Whisperer" is because he has worked with bees since he was a teenager in the late 1970's. Back then Jeff lived in the San Diego community of Linda Vista. When he was 15 he attended High School with a gal who introduced [...]

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