Bees and Animals in Lakeside, CA

Lakeside has the reputation of being the “cowboy and rodeo town” of San Diego. It earned this reputation due to its rural setting, The Lakeside Rodeo, and the fact that there are a high number of ranches and horse properties in the area. The open spaces offer plenty of room for bees to thrive. Both Lindo Lakes and Lake Jennings provide a valuable water source which also allows bees to flourish in this cowboy town.

Bees are wonderful, glorious creatures that are meant to be in nature, pollinating plants and flowers. Here are the top questions we get from folks in Lakeside.

What do you do when they land on your home?
How do you protect your horses from a bee attack?
How do you keep your family and pets safe while still protecting the environment?

Whenever possible, we will try to relocate swarms off your property and donate them to a local beekeeper or farmer. If the bees are gentle, and are in an accessible location, we are can remove them alive with a smoker and hive box.

Live bee removals with relocation are possible when:

1. The bees are not aggressive
2. The bees are easy to reach and are clustered in a swarm formation
3. We can place them with someone in our Best Bee Network.

Also see other Bee Facts